Chemistry MCQs Guess Paper FSC 12th Class 2016

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Chemistry MCQs Guess Paper FSC 12th Class 2016

Note: (Chemistry MCQs Guess Paper FSC 12th Class 2016) All published material contains an informatory data which is only gathered for educational purpose. These guesses are prepared after detailed analysis of past five years exams. Our entire team and/or publishers are not responsible in case of variation in assumed results and outcomes. However the purposes of attempted efforts are to provide accurate and effective knowledge to the readers, in any case our entire team and/or publishers will not be responsible for the accuracy or misusage of all published material.

Guess Paper of Chemistry FSC Part 2 Important MCQs Questions

Synthetic rubber is made by polymerization of
(A) Chloroform
(B) Acetylene
(C) Divinyl acetylene
(D) Chloroprene
In the purification of potable water the coagulant used is
(A) Nickel sulphate
(B) Copper sulphate
(C) Barium sulphate
(D) Alum
Which of the following will have highest boiling point
(A) Methanol
(B) Ethanal
(C) Propanal
(D) Hexanone
Which of following sulphates is not soluble in water
(A) Sodium sulphate
(B) Potassium sulphate
(C) Zinc sulphate
(D) Barium sulphate
For which mechanism, the first step involved is the same?
(A) El and E2
(B) E2 and SN2
(C) SN and E2
(D) El and SN
Which element among the following belongs to Group A of the periodic table?
(A) Barium
(B) Iodine
(C) Lead
(D) Oxygen
Period V in modern periodic table contains how many elements
(A) 32
(B) 18
(C) 10
(D) 8
Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper pulp?
(A) Cotton
(B) Bagasse
(C) Poplar
(D) Rice straw
Which one of the following enzymes brings about the hydrolysis of fats?
(A) Urzase
(B) Maltase
(C) Zymase
(D) Lipase
When sugar is treated with Conc. H2SO4 it becomes black due to
(A) Decolourization
(B) Dehydration
(C) Hydrolysis
(D) Hydration
Acetamide is prepared by
(A) Heating ammonium acetate
(B) Heating methyl cyanide
(C) Heating ethyl acetate
(D) The hydrolysis of methyl cyanide
The anhydride of HC1O4 is
(A) C103
(B) C102
(C) C1205
(D) C1207
Which compound will have the maximum repulsion with water?
(A) C6H6
(B) C2H5OH
(C) CH3-CH2-CH2-OH2
(D) CH3-O-CH3
Which one is true about melting points of halogens?
(A) Decrease down the group
(B) Increase down the group
(C) Remain same in group
(D) First increase then decrease down the group
Which halogen will react spontaneously with Au (s) to produce Au3+?
(A) Br2
(B) F2
(C) 12
(D) CC2
Amongst the following, the compound that can be most readily sulphonated is
(A) Toluene
(B) Benzene
(C) Nitrobenzene
(D) Chlorobenzene
Which is most difficult to oxidize?
Which compound is prepared by Stadeler’s process?
(A) K2Cr207
(B) KMnO4
(C) K2CrO4
(D) K2MnO4
The type of hybridization of carbon atom in methane is
(A) Svil
(B) Sp2
(C) Spa
(D) None
Keeping in view the size of atoms, which order is the correct one?
(A) Mg > Sr
(B) Ba > Mg
(C) Lr > Ce
(D) C Q > I
The state of hybridization of carbon atom in methane is
(A) Spa
(B) Sp2
(C) Sp
(D) Dsp2
Which is not an alkali metal?
(A) Francium
(B) Cacsium
(C) Rubidium
(D) Radium
Which metal is used in the thermite process because of its activity?
(A) Iron
(B) Copper
(C) Aluminium
(D) Zinc
Laughing gas-in chemically
(A) NO
(B) N20
(C) NO2
(D) N204
Which hydrogen halide is the weakest acid in solution?
(A) HF
(B) HBr
(C) HI
(D) Hee
The strength of binding energy of transition elements depends upon
(A) Number of electron pairs
(B) Number of unpaired electrons
(C) Number of neutrons
(D) Number of protons
Benzene cannot undergo
(A) Substitution reactions
(B) Addipon reactions
(C) Oxidation reactions
(D) Elimination reactions
The group that deactivates the benzene
(A) Amino
(B) Chlorine
(C) Methyl
(D) Hydroxy
During nitration of benzene, the active nitrating agent is
(A) NO3
(B) NO2
(C) NO2
(D) HNO3
When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesium iodide, followed by acid hydrolysis, the product formed is
(A) Propane
(B) Propanoic acid
(C) Propanal
(D) Propanol
Which compound shows hydrogen bonding?
(A) C21-16
(B) C2H5Ce
(C) CH3-0-CH3
(D) C2H5OH
Cannizzaro’s reaction is not given by
(A) Formaldehyde
(B) Acetaldehyde
(C) Benzaldehyde
(D) Trimethyl acetaldehyde
Which reagent will react with both aldehydes and ketones?
(A) Grignard’s reagent
(B) Tollen’s reagent
(C) Fehling’s reagent
(D) Benedict’s reagent
Aromatic hydrocarbons are the derivatives of
(A) Normal series of paraffins
(B) Alkene
(C) Benzene
(D) Cyclohexane
The main pollutant of leather tanneries in the waste water is due to the salt of
(A) Lead
(B) Chromium
(C) Copper
(D) Chromium
One of the following gas is not a pollutant. What is that?
(A) SO2
(B) CO
(C) NO2
(D) CO2
Which is not an alkali metal?
(A) Francium
(B) Caesium
(C) Rubidium
(D) Radium
Which is the least reactive of all the alkali metals
(A) Li
(B) Na
(C) K
(D) Cs
Which one does not belong to the alkaline earth metals?
(A) Be
(B) Ba
(C) Ra
(D) Rn
Which of the following element has lowest ionization energy
(A) Beryllium
(B) Boron
(C) Carbon
(D) Oxygen
Which element has lowest melting point
(A) Beryllium
(B) Magnesium
(C) Calcium
(D) Barium
Kaolin is a mineral of
(A) Carbon
(B) Magnesium
(C) Silicon
(D) Aluminium
Which of the following is a reddish brown gas
(A) N20
(B) NO
(C) N205
(D) NO2
Which of the following statement is correct
(A) Bond energy of F2 is less than C C2
(B) Bond energy of F2 is less than 12
(C) Bond energy of C C2 is less than F2
(D) Bond energy of C C2 is less than Br2
Choose the correct statement
(A) Na+ is smaller than Na atom
(B) Na+ is larger than Na atom
(C) CU is smaller than Cf atom
(D) cr. (ion) and Cf (atom) are equal in size
Mark the correct statement
(A) CC is smaller than CC atom
(B) CC- (ion) and CC (atom) are equal in size
(C) Na- is smaller than Na atom
(D) Na is larger than Na atom
The process used to improve quality of gasoline is called
(A) Thermal cracking
(B) Reforming
(C) Steam cracking
(D) Combustion
The catalytic oxidation of methane produces
(A) CO + H2O
(B) CO2 + H2O
(C) C + H2O
(D) H3C—OH
Toluene HNo+H “SO >
(A) Orthonitrotoluene
(B) m – nitrotoluene
(C) p-nitrotoluene
(D) 2,4,6-TNT
Decarboxylation of salicylic acid with soda lime yields
(A) Toluene
(B) Cresol
(C) Xylene
(D) Phenol
The reactivity of Grignard’s reager. is due to
(A) Polarity of Mg-X bond
(B) Polarity of C-Mg bond.
(C) Electronegativity of halogen atom
(D) Presence of Mg atom
Grignard reagent is reactive due to
(A) The presence of halogen atom
(B) The presence of Mg atom
(C) The polarity of C — Mg bond
(D) Presence of Alkyl group
Which of the following reacts with Grignard’s reagent to give primary alcohols
(A) Epoxide
(B) Peroxide
(C) Super oxide
(D) Hydrogen oxide
Alcohol obtained by fermentation is only upto
(A) 10%
(B) 12%
(C) 20%
(D) 95%
Which compound is formed, when CH3OH reacts with CH3MgBr?
(A) Ethane
(B) Methane
(C) Alcohol
(D) Acetone
Organic compounds having fruity smell are
(A) Carboxylic acids
(B) Alcohol’s
(C) Ethers
(D) Ester
Rectified spirit is
(A) 80% alcohol
(B) 95% alcohol
(C) 85% alcohol
(D) 98% alcohol
Which reagent is used to produce a carboxylic group to an alcohol
(A) H2/Ni
(B) H2/Pt
(C) H2/Pd
(D) LiA/H4
Select the following one which is alcohol
(B) CH3CH3
(D) CH3-Cf
Select from the following the one which is alcohol
(B) CH30C1-13
(D) CH3CH2Br
In t-butyl alcohol, the tertiary carbon is, bonded to
(A) Three hydrogen atoms
(B) Two hydrogen atoms
(C) One hydrogen atom
(D) No hydrogen atom
Methyl alcohol is not used
(A) As a solvent
(B) As an antifreezing agent
(C) As a substitute for petrol
(D) For denaturing of ethyl alcohol
According to Lewis concept, ethers behave as
(A) Acid
(B) Base
(C) Solvent
(D) Nucleophile
Which of the following is an addition polymer
(A) Polyester
(B) Polystyrene
(C) Nylon 6, 6
(D) Terylene
Starch is a polymer of
() Fructose
() A-D-glucose
() Sucrose
() Lactose
Which is not a calcarious material
(A) Clay
(B) Limestone
(C) Marble
(D) Chalk
The pH of unpolluted rain water should be
(A) 5.00
(B) 5.60
(C) 6.50
(D) 7.00
Elements of group IA are called
(A) Alkali metals
(B) Metalloids
(C) Alkaline earth metals
(D) Coinage metals
Chile saltpetre has the chemical formula
(A) NaNO3
(B) KNO3
(C) Na2B4O7
(D) Na2CO3 H2O
Tincal is a mineral of
(A) AC
(B) B
(C) Si
(D) C
Which is the strongest acid
(B) HC CO2
(C) HC CO3
(D) HC CO4
The colour of transition metal complexes is due to
(A) d-d transitions of electrons
(B) Par 3nagnetic nature of transition elements
(C) Ionization
(D) Loss of s-electrons
Group VI-B of transition elements contains
(A) Zn/Cd/Hg
(B) Mn/Te/Re
(C) Cr/Mo/W
(D) Fe/Ru/Os
Which three elements are needed for the healthy growth of plants?
(A) N, S, P
(B) N, Ca, P
(C) N, P, K
(D) N, K, C
Vital force theory was rejected by
(A) G.N.Lewis
(B) FriedrickWohler
(C) Scientist of 20th Century
(D) Greek Philosophers
Acetic acid is manufactured by
(A) Distillation
(B) Fermentation
(C) Ozonolysis
(D) Esterification
Which derivative cannot be prepared directly from acetic acid?
(A) Acetamide
(B) Acetyl chloride
(C) Acetyl anhydride
(D) Ethyl acetate
The reaction between fat and NaOH is called
(A) Esterification
(B) Hydrogenolysis
(C) Fermentation
(D) Saponification
SN2 reactions are
(A) Uni-molecular
(B) Stbi-molecular
(C) Tri-molecular
(D) Tetra-molecular
Elimination bimolecular reaction involves
(A) First order kinetics
(B) Second order kinetics
(C) Third order kinetics
(D) Zero order kinetics
The number of zones through which the charge passes in a rotary kiln is
(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 5
Ecosystem is a smaller unit of
(A) Biosphere
(B) Lithosphere
(C) Atmosphere
(D) Hydrosphere
The brown gas formed, when metal reduces HNO3 to
(A) NO
(B) NO2
(C) N203
(D) N205
The oxides of beryllium are
(A) Acidic
(B) Basic
(C) Amphoteric
(D) None of these
Smaller the size of an ion
(A) Lesser is the degree of hydration
(B) Lesser is the polarizing power
(C) Greater is the electron affinity
(D) Greater is the degree of hydration
The newspaper can be recycled again and again as many times as
(A) 5
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 2
Phosphorus helps the growth of
(A) Roots
(B) Leaves
(C) Stem
(D) Seed
The fibre which is made from acrylonitrile as monomer is
(A) Acrylic fibre
(B) Polyester fibre
(D) Rayon fibre
The solution of which acid is used for seasoning of food?
(A) Benzoic acid
(B) Butanoic acid
(C) Formic acid
(D) Acetic acid
Which one of the following gases is used for artificial ripening of fruits
(A) Methane
(B) Ethene
(C) Ethane
(D) Propane
Which gas is used for artificial ripening of fruits?
(A) Ethene
(B) Methane
(C) Ethyne
(D) Propane
The chief ore of aluminium is
(A) Na3AtF6
(B) At203.2H20
(C) At203
(D) At203.H20
Which is not a calcareous material
(A) Lime
(B) Clay
(C) Marble
(D) Marine shell
Which is the strongest acid
(A) HCtO
(B) HCt02
(C) HCe03
(D) HCt04
Which enzyme is not involved in fermentation of starch
(A) Diastase
(B) Zymase
(C) Urease
(D) Invertase
Which compound is the most reactive one
(A) Benzene
(B) Ethene
(C) Ethane
(D) Ethyne
Which one of the following is not hetrocyclic compound
(A) Thiphene
(B) Anthracene
(C) Furan
(D) Pyrsole
Which compound is used as decolorizing agent
(A) Animal charcoal
(B) Concentrated H2SO4
(C) CaC12
(D) Silica gel
The compound formed in borax bead test is
(A) Boron oxide
(B) Metal boride
(C) Metallic boron
(D) Metal metaborates
Which compound is more soluble in water?
(A) C2H5OH
(B) C6H5OH
(D) n-Hexanol
Acetone reacts with HCN to form a cyanohydrin. It is an example of
(A) Electrophilic addition
(B) Electrophilic substitution
(C) Nucleophilic addition
(D) Nucleophilic substitution
Coordination number of Pt in [Pt CC (NO2)(NH3)4] is
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 1
(D) 6
Luminium oxide is
(A) Acidic oxide
(B) Basic oxide
(C) Amphoteric oxide
(D) None of these
Which one is perchloric acid
(A) HCtO
(B) HCfO3
(C) HCfO2
(D) HCfO4
Which of the following is a non-typical transition element
(A) Cr
(B) Mn
(C) Zn
(D) Iron
Which of the following will react with Toilen’s reagent
(A) CH3-C-H
Which one is neutral amino acid
(A) Lysine
(B) Histidine
(C) Valine
(D) Glutamic acid
The word paper is derived from the name of which reedy plant
(A) Rose
(B) Sun flower
(C) Water hyacinth
(D) Papyrus
A single chloride free radical can destroy how many ozone molecules?
(A) 100
(B) 100000
(C) 10000
(D) 10
Which element is not present in all proteins?
(A) Carbon
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Sulphur
The electrophile in aromatic sulphonation is
(A) H2SO4
(B) HS041
(C) SO3
(D) S031+
A mixture of an aldehyde and carboxylic acid can be separated by
(A) Na2SO4
(B) H2SO4
(C) NaHCO3
(D) NaHS03
The word paper is derived from the name of which ready plant
(A) Rose
(B) Sunflower
(C) Papyrus
(D) Water hyacinth
Which geometry would you expect for four equipment sp3 orbitals
(A) Pyramidal
(B) Square planar
(C) Trigonal
(D) Tetrahedral
Oxidation of NO in air produces
(A) N20
(B) N203
(C) N204
(D) N205
A double bond consists of
(A) Two sigma bonds
(B) One sigma and one pi bond
(C) One sigma and two pi bonds
(D) Two pi bonds
Disaffection of water by chlorine is done by the production of
(A) NH4C1
(B) NC13
(C) HOC1
(D) NHC12
Macronutrient for soil is
(A) N2
(B) Cu
(C) Zn
(D) Fe
The octane number is 100 for
(A) Neo-octane
(B) N-hexane
(C) Neo-pentane
(D) Iso-octane
The %age of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate is
(A) 46%
(B) 82%
(C) 33%
(D) 16%
Which one of the following is not a fatty acid
(A) Propanoic acid
(B) Acetic acid
(C) Pthalic acid
(D) Butanoic acid
Point out the arc of potassium
(A) Dolomite
(B) Cry lite
(C) Bounite
(D) Carriallite
Peroxy acetyle nitrate (PAN) is an irritant to human beings and it effects
(A) Eyes
(B) Ears
(C) Stomach
(D) Nose
Number of moles of CO2 which contains 8g of oxygen is
(A) 0.25
(B) 0.50
(C) 1.0
(D) 1.5
Octate rule is not followed in the formation of
(A) NF3
(B) CP4
(C) C1C4
(D) PC15
How many allotropic forms are present in carbon
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
How many semi-metals are present in first period
(A) 0
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 6
Expoxy resins are fundamentally
(A) Polyamide
(B) Polyethers
(C) Polyvinyl
(D) Polyesters
Atmosphere contains carbon dioxide
(A) 0.01%
(B) 0.02%
(C) 0.03%
(D) 0.04%
Dolomite is an arc of
(A) Strontium
(B) Magnesium
(C) Barium
(D) Potassium
Fungicides are the pesticides which
(A) Control the growth of fungus
(B) kill insects
(C) kill plants
(D) kill herbs

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