Chemistry Long Questions Guess Paper FSC 12th Class 2016

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Chemistry Long Guess Paper FSC 12th Class 2016

Note: (Chemistry Long Questions Guess Paper FSC 12th Class 2016) All published material contains an informatory data which is only gathered for educational purpose. These guesses are prepared after detailed analysis of past five years exams. Our entire team and/or publishers are not responsible in case of variation in assumed results and outcomes. However the purposes of attempted efforts are to provide accurate and effective knowledge to the readers, in any case our entire team and/or publishers will not be responsible for the accuracy or misusage of all published material.

Guess Paper of Chemistry FSC Part 2 Important Long Questions

Explain variation of: (i) Ionization potential (ii) Electrical conduction along period and groups
Show four reactions in which lithium behaves different from elements of its own group. OR Compare the chemical behavior of lithium with magnesium? OR Write any four points of peculiar behaviour of lithium.
Write a note on classification of organic compounds. OR Grignard reagent is a reactive organic compound. Briefly discuss the reactivity and structure of Grignard reagent.
How would you prepare carboxylic acid from primary alcohols and aldehydes? OR How would you prepare carboxylic aacid by hydrolysis of esters and from alkyl nitriles? OR Prepare the following compounds from carboxyl compounds: (i) Lactic acid (ii) Paraldehyde (iii) Ethanal oxime (iv) Croton aldehyde
Describe briefly the two possible mechanisms of elimination reactions
Write a note on Friedel-Crafts reaction. OR Describe the Friedel-Crafts acylation of benzene with mechanism. OR Define Friedel Crafts reactions. Give mechanism with an example of Friedel-Craft’s acylation reaction. OR What are Friedel-Crafts Reactions? Explain giving two examples. OR What are Friedel-Crafts reactions? Explain mechanisms of alkylation and acylation of benzene.
How does the electronic configuration of valence-shell affect the following properties of the transition elements: (i) Paramagnetism. (ii) Oxidation states.
Discuss the term ‘acid rain’ along with its effects on environment. OR Write a short note on “Acid Rain”.
What are halides? Give their types and properties. OR How do tertiary alkyl halides undergo nucleophilic substitution reaction? Give a detailed general mechanism. OR Write down the reaction of alkyl halides. OR Describe SN2 reaction of alkyl halides in detail. OR What are halides? Classify them on the basis of nature of bonding. Describe covalent halides in detail. OR Write a brief note on halides.
Describe the manufacture of NaOH by diaphragm cell. OR Explain the preparation of NaOH by Nelson cell. Also give the major problems and their solution in the working of the cell. OR Write the commercial method for the preparation of NaOH. OR What is Nelson Cell? Draw its working.
Define isomerism. Explain the term metamerism by giving two examples. OR Define isomerism. Explain its type. OR Define functional group isomerism and give an example. OR Define the position isomerism giving at least one example of each. OR Give four types of structural isomerism along with an example in each case.
Describe the mechanism of the reaction of sodium bisulphate with acetone. OR Describe with diagram, the manufacture of sodium by Down’s cell. OR Explain the commercial preparation of Sodium Hydroxide by the Diaphragm cell? OR Describe preparation of sodium hydro Side by Nebon Diaphragm Cell. OR Describe the commercial preparation of sodium by Down’s cell. What are advantages of this process? OR Describe with diagram, the manufacture of sodium by down’s cell. OR Describe the process for the preparation of sodium metal on industrial scale by Down’s cell.
Discuss acidic behaviour of alkynes. What are main uses of alkynides? OR Why do alkyne show acidic nature? OR Explain the acidic character of alkynes with two examples. OR Write a short note on acidic and basic character of aminoacids.
What are Grignard reagents? How these react with carbonyl compounds? OR Explain structure and reactivity and give reaction of Grignard reagent? OR What is Grignard reagent? And how it can be prepared?
Discuss the orientation in electrophilic substitution reactions with respect to meta directing group. OR What is meant by orientation? Why certain substituent’s ortho and pin directive and others arc meta directive give one example of each.
Explain the mechanism of the reaction of acetic acid with SOU 2. OR Write down the mechanism of reaction between acetic acid and thionyl chloride. OR Write down the mechanism of conversion of acetic acid to (i) Acetyl chloride (ii) Acetamide. OR Write down the mechanism of the reaction between acetic and ethanol. OR Convert acetic acid into : (i) Methane. (ii) Acetyl chloride.
Write down any four properties of transition elements.
Write down formulas for: (a) super phosphate (b) triple phosphate. OR Write down the formulas of the following minerals: (i) Mica (ii) Corundum (iii) Cryolite
How does formaldehyde reagents? (i) HCN (ii) NaHS03 (iii) NaBH/H20 (iv) conc. NaOH
Starting from ethene, outline the reactions for preparation of the following compounds: (i) 1, 2 dibromoethane (ii) ethyne (iii) ethane (iv) ethylene glycol. OR How will you convert ‘Ethene’ into (i) dibromo ethane (ii) formaldehyde (iii) ethylene glycol (iv) ethane? OR How will you distinguish ethane, ethene and ethyne. OR Explain structure of ethene on basis of hybridization.
Explain the structure of benzene in the light of atomic orbital treatment. OR Write down the process of hybridization of orbital and shapes of molecules.
What is orbital hybridization? Explain Sp mode of hybridization of carbon. ORExplain SP2 hybridization along with describing structure of ethane OR Define SP3 and SP2 hybridization give one example in each case. OR Define hybridization. Discuss the structure of ethyne on its basis. OR What is Sp hybridization? Explain structure of acetylene according to this theory.
Explain the following terms by giving examples: (i) Ligands (ii) Co-ordination sphere
What is smog? Give conditions for the formation of a smog. OR What do you mean by Smog? Discuss its types and give conditions for formation of smog. OR Write a note on smog.
KMnO acts as an oxidizing agent. Give four reactions in support of your answer.
Name the components of environment. Give approximate composition of atmosphere and lithosphere.
Define hydrides. Give theirclassification.
Explain peculiar nature of beryllium.
Give comparison of reactivities of alkane, alkene and alkynes. OR Write a note on halogenation of alkanes. OR Three different alkenes yield 2-Methylbutane when they are hydrogenated in the presence of a metal catalyst. Give their structures and write the equation for the reactions too. OR Compare the reactivity of alkenes and alkynes. OR Write two methods for the preparation of alkenes. OR Define alkynes? How it is prepared? Give its properties and uses?
How ethyl alcohol is obtained by the fermentation of molasses and starch?
Explain Bessemer’s process? OR Describe Bessemer’s process for manufacture of steel. OR What is the use of Aluminium in Bessemer’s process? OR How steel can be manufactured by Bessemer’s process?
Discuss the position of hydrogen over elements. OR Discuss the position of hydrogen over 7th A group. OR Explain the similarities and dissimilarities of hydrogen with other groups? OR Justify position of hydrogen at the top of group IA and VIIA in the periodic table. OR How ethers are prepared and how do they react with hydrogen iodide?
Explain reforming of petroleum with the help of suitable example. OR What do you know about cracking of petroleum?
Explain the stability of Benzene. OR Write down four methods for the preparation of benzene. OR Describe the structure of benzene on the basis of resonance methods. OR Write three methods of preparation of benzene. OR Describe one method each for the preparation of ethane and ethyne. How would you establish that benzene is a polymer of acetylene? OR Explain the discovery of the structure of benzene? OR Discuss two industrial and two laboratory methods to prepare benzene. OR Convert benzene into : (i) Cyclohexane (ii) Maleic acid.(iii) Glyoxal (iv) Benzene sulphonic acid.
Convert methanol to ethanol and ethanol to methanol. OR How ethanol is prepared from masses? OR Compare the reactions of phenol with that of ethanol. Discuss the difference if any.
How pesticides are dangerous to human beings? Comment.
How does potassium permanganate react with the following? (i) H2S (ii) FeSO (iii) Oxalic acid (iv) KOH
How and under what conditions does aluminium react with: (i) 02 (ii) NaOH (iii) H2SO (iv) N2
Describe eight points of similarities of oxygen with sulphur. OR Define functional group. Name typical function a groups containing oxygen.
Give rules for nomenclature of oxyacids of halogens.
Give two methods for preparation of phenol. OR Convert phenol into: (i) Picric acid. (ii) Cyclohexanol.
Prepare ethane from Kolbe’s electrolytic method. Write down its mechanism.
Write down two methods for the preparation of borax. OR Also explain the action of heat on borax.
Describe Birkeland and Eyde’s process for the manufacture of nitric acid. OR Explain the properties and uses of nitric acid. OR State three reactions of zinc with nitric acid considering its concentration and temperature. OR How is nitric acid prepared industrially? Give all equations involved. OR Nitric acid is mostly used in the manufacture of fertilizers and explosive However it can also be used to dissolve noble metals such as gold and platinum. Briefly explain the chemistry of this property.
How does Ethyl magnesium bromide react with: (i) CO2 (ii) CH3COCH3
Explain peculiar behaviour of fluorine.
Write a note on Cannizzaro’s reaction.
Explain the chemical properties of alkaline metals and alkali. OR Give peculiar behaviors of alkali metal. OR Discuss the hydrolysis of triglyceride and reaction of triglyceride with an alkali. OR State chemical properties of alkali metals.
Give brief description of synthetic pitilymers.
What is Boric acid? How it is prepared and give its properties.
How water is polluted? Write down different methods of water pollution:
Explain the factors which affects the quality of water. OR Explain the purification of water through coagulation process. OR Write methods for purification of water, explain the process of disinfection of water by chlorine.
What is bleaching powder? How it is prepared? Give its uses and reactions. OR Why bleaching powder show bleaching action? OR Explain bleaching process in the paper industry. OR How is bleaching powder prepared by Beckmann’s method?
What are lipids? How the fats and oils are different? Also give its structure and composition.
Explain Newland’s Law of Octaves.
Write down the methods of managing solid wastes. OR How the industrial solid wastes are incinerated?
Define ionization. How it varies in the periodic table? OR Discuss various periods in the modern periodic table
Describe the classification of proteins. OR What are ct-amino acids, proteins and peptides? How are they related?
What are silicones? Give two properties.
How detergents are threat to aquatic animal life?
What raw material are used in the production of pulp of paper?
Give postulates of Bohr’s atomic model.
What are enzymes? Explain how do they act as catalysts.
Write a note on oxides.
What are carbohydrates? Discuss monosacharides.
Define hydration energy. Explain it with suitable example.
What are amino acids? Give their two methods of preparation. OR Give two method of preparation and two reactions of amino acids. OR How are amino acids visualized during paper chromatography?
What are SN reactions? Differentiate between SN1 and SN2 reactions. OR Explain SN1 reaction. Why are 50% inverted and 50% retention products obtained?
Convert the following:
Propyne into acetone
Ethyne into oxalic acid
Acetic acid into methane
1-propanoline 1-chloro
Propene into 2-bromopropane
Ethane into ethyne
What is the difference between wrought iron and steel? OR Explain open hearth process for the manufacture of steel.
Define cement? Give its compounds and how it can be manufactured. OR What do you understand by the term “setting of cement? Also discuss the changes which take place in first 24 hours.
How does acid deposition occur? What are its effects on environment?
Give the order of strength of oxy acid of halogen. Also explain the order of strength of oxy acids.
How does Nitrogen differ from other elements of its group? OR Explain the occurrence of nitrogen and explain its different compounds?
Explain the Electrochemical theory for protecting the metal from corrosion.
Discuss the role of gypsum in agriculture. OR How does gypsum change into Plaster of Pans?

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